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Is there a downloadable version of this game?

My browser refuse to run it.... >_>

(Although it seems to run downloaded browser based games just fine. I have no clue why. o_O )

(1 edit) (+1)


see you in some hours after I'm done replaying the chapters before and the new one


dont worry. i missed the update too. somehow itch didnt send me a notification.


i spent a significant number of hours reading up till the latest chapter and i am ABSOLUTELY going to do it again. the characters feel so real, i don't know how you do it... xcited to see how the story'll end up :")


Loved the update so much!  Cannot wait for more!


not this updating on valentine's day!! i cant play this rn but when i do i will update it


I think it's safe to say this is one of the best fantasy romance pieces of media ever created!!!! ^_^ I've always loved the choose your own adventure type games and books, so this is a rare and absolutely delectable find. I love how descriptive it is too!! Somehow, this game has already managed to wiggle it's way into my sleep as well- I'm pretty sure Vynn popped into my dream while I was buying a dragonfruit banana hybrid. In short, I am OBSESSED with this piece of gorgeous media and will never get over how perfect the fantasy is balanced with the action and romance. Thank you for eternity for making such a wonderful thing!!!!

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! That is some very high praise, and it makes me so happy to know how much enjoyment I was able to bring to you with my writing. Makes all the hard work worth it!




probably the realest thing ive read today yet


Hey Cal, do you have an idea of when the next public update would be? No pressure :)


How about now? Ask and you shall receive! :p


ooooooooooo i'm a psychic!!!!! thanks for updating, can't wait to sink my teeth into this!! <33


The story in this is amazing. I did multiple runs just cause I couldn't decide on one route. 


10/10 story amazing still on chapter five though


im loving this. every part. i spent like idk, a few hours reading everything and i really like the worldbuilding and concept. im all for az'lean's route!!


(if you could call from 2 in the afternoon to 9 in the evening "a few hours" LMAO)


I really love this game!!! The amount of choices you can make in this game makes it really interesting and a lot of fun. I also loveeeee the concept and characters so much! I feel like changelings are hardly ever humanized or portrayed as protagonists so it's super awesome that the player character is a changeling. (I am crazy about changelings, they've always been a favorite of mine). The writing is great, too! Keep up the wonderful work!


Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Agreed, changelings are really interesting and there's so much you can do with them as a concept and as an analogy. Glad you're enjoying it so far!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello I'm really enjoying the updates. I found a consistency bug though;

How else are you going to explain why you know Maeve and have been talking to her for weeks?”

There's a route where you simply never talk to Maeve again after establishing you can't trust each other on the second meeting. The story doesn't reflect this at all after this point.


Yeahhh, you're not supposed to be able to get that route without having good rapport with Maeve. Not sure what's broken there, I'll have a look at it. Thanks for letting me know!

(1 edit) (+2)

hi Calliope.

i found this game today and just finished it. i really love your writing style, characters and everything else. im really glad that i found this.

there are some things i want to tell/ask about. hope its ok:

- potential bug: i dont know if this happens in other scenes, bu i noticed it during the scene, where MC is in her private castle room and for the first time realizes that they are a changeling. i made a save file at this point, then chose the option about "numbness". this changed MC´s "stat" from "You have your good days and your bad days, just like everyone else...." to one level donw (dont rememeber the exact description). now, when i reloaded the save and chose the same option, suddenly the text didnt changed this time. i tested it multiple times and both things happened. sometimes the description would change, sometime not.

- questions:

1.) how many chapters will the game have? just another comment where you answer this question, sorry.

2.) will all the future chapters be released her on itch? or will at a certain point chapters be fully exclusive to patreons?

3.) how much influence does the stats (e.g. honesty vs dishonesty) and relationships (both friends and romance) have on the story/certain events.

==> do my MC have to have a high honesty-stat to be able to tell Az'Lean about being a changeling? or oes it only depend on dialogue choices?

thank you in advance for your answers. im waiting eagerly for the next chapter release.


Oh, that choice has nothing to do with the personality description changing. It actually changes in the scene before you make that choice about how MC reacts, and even then it only changes depending on other choices you have made throughout the story. I checked and I don't see anything that could be bugged about it, so I think unless there's something wrong with your safe file, it is working as intended. 

Now to your questions:

2) The main story will be released on itch for free. However, there will be some epilogue chapters (mainly focusing on romance) that will be exclusive to Patreon and/or paid DLC. I want to strike a balance between everyone being able to reach an ending to their story, while also providing something more for those that are willing to spend some money on it.

3) The personality stats serve two functions. They change some of the flavour text about your character, and they are relevant to get certain endings. However, they never determine which choices you can take, for example, a dishonest person can choose to tell the truth, or an honest person can choose to lie. So in your example, no, the stat has nothing to do with that choice. 

The relationship stats are more important. They determine which routes you can go down, which factions you can align yourself with, who you can form a partnership with, and more. 

Aside from personality and relationship stats there are also a few hidden stats, but they're hidden for a reason.


thank you very much for your answers.

about 3.): you said, that personality-stats are relevant for certain endings. what exactly do you mean by that? if my MC leans towards dishonesty, will i not even get a chance to get the "world peace"-ending? or will it be more like: e.g. during a peace meeting a dishonest MC has a difficultier time to convince everyone than a honest MC?

an additional question: will i be able to increase the relationship with the characters even if i dont choose them to spend time with?

==> sometimes the game give me the choice to spend time with either Vynn, Az'Lean, Maeve,.... during these i always chose maeve, since shes the one i want to romance (& i dont want to miss potential romantic options). at the end of the demo i noticed that only her relationship description changed, the rest stayed the same.

thank you in advance.


Always happy to answer!

I'll try my best to explain without spoiling too much. It is similar to what you just wrote: There might be an important moment where your MC has to convince someone, and if they are very dishonest, they might not succeed because no one believes them. On the flip side, there might be an important moment where your MC has to come up with a convincing lie, but if they've always told the truth, they might fail at that. 

Now, what does that mean for endings? I think getting one of the 'peace' endings should have some difficulty to it, but the personality traits aren't the deciding factor. They might make it easier/more difficult, but they don't lock you out of anything. What's more important is the actual choices you make in specific situations.

To your second question, yes you can increase your relationship with characters even if you don't spend time with them, but it is much more difficult. There's three ways to increase (or decrease) your relationship with the characters: 1) dialogue choices in the main story (like when you first meet them), 2) spending time with them when given the opportunity to (like asking them to dance), 3) major decisions (like whether to set the mabs to lethal or not).

For example, it could very well be that you made some choices Vynn liked, and some they didn't like, so if you don't spend time with them, it might just stay roughly the same as it started. It's totally fine to just focus on one character if you want to see all of Maeve's scenes for example.

(2 edits) (+3)

thank you once again.

- in short: if you want a specific ending, you shouldnt do stupid decisions (e.g. for the peaceful ending you shouldnt insult one side and then demand soemthing from them without something in return); and while having a high relationship could make things easier (i guess having a good relationship with the heir of the kingdom is a good idea ;) ), it doesnt matter that much, if you choose clever options.

- could this work as some kind of "rule of thumb" in terms of relationships?: aslong as the description doesnt say something negative (lesters description said something about hating my face), it should be fine

- since you mentioned the mabs: i may be wrong, but i remember, that Az'Lean said something like, that he would appreciate it if MC would offer different perspectives than he does. if thats true, could you tell me, if the nonlethal-option increases or decreases the relationship with him (of course, if this is too much spoilery, you dont have too. i understand completely).

==> new question, came up right before i wanted to start a new run, this time with focus on Az'Lean: will certain romances "force" you to pick a side/break up with you if dont side with their faction? 


Yes, that about sums it up! And yes, that works as a rule of thumb.

Az'Lean is being honest there, he respects your decision either way and it doesn't change his relationship stat. However, he will take note of whether you have similar views to him or not (this is one of those hiddens stats I mentioned earlier), and let's say if you disagree with him multiple times, there might be a threshold where it does negatively impact the relationship.

That's difficult to answer. In theory, you can pursue someone no matter what side you are on. So you can side with the fae and still go for Az'Lean, but meeting the requirements is a bit harder (since you're relationship might not rise as high if you say and do a lot of things he doesn't like). Also, it might not turn out well from a story perspective. You can't secretly work against him and expect your relationship to go well, haha. That doesn't have to mean a break-up though. You will get an ending with him, it might just not be a happy one.


i knew Az would be blonde. he has that vibe.

(3 edits) (+2)

Hello!! I just discovered this game and I don't know how to express how much I adore it so far! I was wondering  if there's any chance that arrows (the ones that you can go back and forth with) will be added to the game when its finished? I quite like when IF games have a function for that since it saves me the time of duplicating tabs just to pick another response ^_^ 


I am glad you like it!  Sorry, but it was a design choice to not have a back button, and at this point it would be a lot of work to add it back and make sure all of the stat changes still work, so it's unlikely that I will do that.


How many chapters will this game have?


Right now, the plan is 15 chapters for the main story, plus 2 epilogue chapters. 


Thanks for answering

(4 edits) (+8)(-3)

Honestly I really love this game. I adore the characters and the story. The world building is also very engaging. I'm usually bored by highly detailed world building but that's not the case here at all! :) But one thing that kind of discourages me from playing is the lack of customization for your own character. 

One thing that makes text-based games different and better imo is the amount of customization it could offer and this could help the viewer really get into the game.  Something as little as choosing what your weapon is could make the story a lot more immersing. But, although not severely, I feel like this game does lack that. There have been times were I went "I wish I could choose that, or I wish I could change that dialogue option. ".

I also do wish that I could customise my character's personality and behavior further directly instead of having to choose choices that lead to those personality traits. Choosing not to ask a question or being able to choose your dialogue more frequently and not just when it matters would also be amazing. It's just the feeling of making the small decisions is what counts imo. 

I'm sorry, my english isn't very good and the creator probably won't see this. I just wanted to give my own opinion :). This game is amazing either way. 


Your English is great, and I did in fact see your feedback! Thank you for your comment, I like that there are things you enjoy but also things you were able to critique. These sorts of comments are very helpful to improve my writing.

Some other readers have offered similar criticisms before. I completely acknowledge that more choices/customisation is something a lot of people would like, but at this point I probably won't change any of that for this particular story.

 One reason is simply because I'm just too far into it at this point and would rather finish it than start changing things. It would simply be too much effort. Another reason is that I honestly prefer having an MC that is a bit more pre-established and not a complete blank slate. I asked the members of my Patreon about their opinion regarding that at some point, and the majority agreed or didn't care, so I decided to leave it like that. For me as a writer, it's easier to take something like character development into consideration if the MC is not too variable, but I get that readers have their own imagination and expectations.

In the end, it all comes down to how much time I have. I think the reasons why most IFs are eventually abandoned or take a decade to get finished is because writers bite of more than they can chew. Still, your feedback is very valuable, and I'll take it into consideration for future chapters/projects!  


This was amazing to play! I can't wait to see future updates!! The worldbuilding is AMAZING, and I love how complicated all of the characters are. As a writer, this was a piece of art that I'll want to keep redoing over and over again.


Thank you so much for your lovely comment, that's some high praise! I am glad that you're enjoying it!



i NEEEEEED more omg the moment i find out this game gets updated is the second i drop all of my college assignments to play it

i love this authors writing and  i will be drawing the characters in my own interpretation the moment i get the freetime to do so bc i love them so much

vynn is my favorite with lester my second fav, i NEED to know what happens ; i was even talking to my parents about this one bc its just SO good, I wasnt expecting to love it so much but the scene where the mc travels to tell their parents and their best friend makes me cry every single playthrough even if im only skimming cuz i read it already, to the maker u have gained a forever follower and please never stop making these, they inspire me to come up with all sorts of ideas (there isnt enough time in the world for me to do them with college tho:( i wouldnt be surprised if when i drew my fav characters i add them to my lockscreen bc they inspire me:) 

ofc dont overwork urself and take all the time u need for this, ur mental halth is more important than anything work or hobby wise, but just kno im cheering u on always in the back of my head:) 


Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy to hear that you've been enjoying it, and that the story was able to reach you on an emotional level. It's comments like these that really motivate me to keep writing every day. Thank you for cheering me on!

(1 edit) (+1)

I just started, but i would be cool if your weapon wasn't chosen by by the "what you think a knight should be" options. I went through all the choices of what I thought a knight should be, and the one choice I didn't agree with had the weapon I wanted which was the raipeir. I wanted to go with the Calm options, because thats the kind of character i was leaning towards, and you'd be tought along side Vynn, but I dont want a spear.


I think the new update to v8.2 deleted my saves? I could've sworn I created a save file. I launched both versions and no saves. Good thing I wasn't too far in lol -v-

All of my saves still work, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Sorry, I wish I could help!


aww yeah the festival was great! thianne and i are friends now (❁´◡`❁) from what i understood, thianne is autistic, and if thats how you meant to portray her, i think you did a great job. shes definetly very relatable to me! 

Thank you! Yes, I was writing her with autistic traits in mind, so I am very happy to hear I was able to convey that adequately

(1 edit) (+2)

HKSUDCHGIDFYEBSFIFH I love this game sm!!! :D the writing is incredible and as someone who has a relatively short attention span It keeps me hooked!! :) Currently trying to romance Az'Lean bc it seems like a very interesting dynamic lols :3 Can't wait to see more updates!!!! (Also how do you pronounce Az'Lean's name 🙏)


Happy to hear that you like it! (Az'Lean's pronounced like "Aslan" just with an "ee" sound, so like "Asleen")


So much lore!!! I loved scenes about gods. And the cliffhanger is so so good. Im definitely do not trust new gods and new religions in such settings, they are just way to control opinions of masses. The half fae lady made me and MC really think about their lives in today settings. That was great.

But you know what else is great, who else is? Vynn. I'm totally in love. 

Also I tried dance with Lester, that was really amusing. 

Great update, thank you so much!

Thank you, glad you liked it! Lester's dance scene is one of my favourites as well, haha!


Hey! super excited to be reading through chapter 8- but one mild thing I noticed near the start of the chapter (or at least, near the start of 8A; with an MC that utilizes fire magic) was that the options for practicing your weapons are a bit wonky.
Opting for archery practice ends up displaying the text that implies the MC was practicing defensive work. While choosing to practice defense leads to text that says the MC practiced archery.

Oops, thanks for letting me know!


loved it! i really liked how some choices were the "wrong" choice, and all the characters were really good.


Loved the update! Such a cliffhanger, cannot wait for more!


im trying to rizz up the prince. ANYWAY THIS IS SO CUTE <3



Azzy was mad cuz I put him in a position where his duty conflicted with his care for me and he still chose me! <3<3 Prince Charming over here


Aw. Is there no chance of Cillian being an RO? Though the bit with the head would be rather hard to explain... 🪣


No, unfortunately Cillian won't be an RO, though I am glad people are interested in him. Depending on your choices, you can at the very least become friends with him though!





I am absolutely loving this; just started reading! I'm in the second chapter (I think) just after the tournament, when you go to visit your horse. The horse is described as "chestnut" but she also has a "black mane." FYI, this would make her a bay, not a chestnut! To keep it consistent, you could just describe her mane as "red" or simply call her a bay mare instead of a chestnut.


Oh i think I might've found a bug, maybe. I went back and chose to tell the prince after coming back from Grahm territory. After the conversation in Az'lean's room, when bumping into [REDACTED] the game has me telling her that he knows in order to avoid the possibility of blackmail, but, unless I missed it, I never told her anything? I've been skimming over some parts to get back up to the point I was in an earlier save but I don't think I've missed that conversation if it really happened. Just wanted to let you know in case it does end up being a bug.

Oh yes, that's a bug. Thanks for letting me know!


I assume we can tell the prince about the MC being a changeling at some point other than right after the [REDACTED] attack, but I was wondering if you could confirm?


Without saying too much: yes, unless you decide to fully support the fae (because it wouldn't make much sense for a spy to reveal themself)


Yo what was in the geese pen 😭


Probably a book. Most likely the Lusty Argonian Maid.


I read all 7 chapters in one go, I'm absolutely obsessed with this.


also I kept forgetting that I named my MC David, so every so often I got jumpscared by my own name




I'm crying- this so so perfect, not only is it supremely well written, with both amazing friendships and amazing (potential) romances- it also is being currently updated, which is lovely! I'm 100% stalking this page for the next release!


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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